Friday, August 21, 2015

Iaso Tea Reviews: Perfect Tea for Detoxification

If you’re looking for Iaso Tea Reviews, then here’s an honest review you will enjoy.
As much as I love living the fast life in the big city.

I am humbled to admit that there do exist pitfalls of this lifestyle that most of us conveniently choose to ignore.

A 2013 research conducted by the Office for National Statistics proved that people who live in cities and towns…

Spend a few years less on planet earth than those who live in the country.

While we can blame it on pollution and a lower environmental quality of life.

We forget that a big part of living in the city also involves inferior food consumption.
While the folks in the country have easy access to fresh produce.

We city dwellers have to resort to whatever our local supermarkets have in store.

Not to mention our over reliance on fast food in a busy life where we have no time to spare for healthy eating.

Studies have proven that 1 in every 4 city dwellers eat some sort of a fast food item everyday.
A fact that hits way closer to home than many of us would like.

All of us can recall one time or another, when we reached home late from work and instead of preparing some sort of a healthy meal for ourselves;
We choose to order a pizza instead.

While at that moment such a decision appears to be perfectly justified.

Over time this can take a decisive toll on our body, both externally and most important, internally.

Why is junk food bad for us? 

Explained simply, junk foods are full of sugar, salt, carbs and fat.

All of those, in combination with each other and consumed in a regular manner, are harmful for the human body.

Research done at the reputed Wageningen University in Holland has concluded that consumption of junk and packaged food (laced with preservatives) increases the chances of us suffering from colon cancer in the future.

The warnings signs are there for all of us to see and yet we don’t pay them any heed.
There are also others like me who wonder if it’s too late to make a lifestyle change?
Is there another way we can prevent this and get back to good health?

Thankfully there is – Iaso Tea. That’s why I’m writing Iaso Tea Reviews for others to read.

What’s the deal with Iaso Tea? 

Even before I came across Iaso Tea, and was even considering writing any Iaso Tea Reviews…
I knew that I was looking for a natural product that would bring about a positive bodily change in more than one way.

I know from experience that maintaining an uber healthy diet involves consuming a whole lot of specific things at specific durations during an average day.

This can be very difficult for those of us with busy work schedules.

Not to mention the fact that most of these diets involve eating expensive organic foods, things not all of us can afford.

After trying out a whole bunch of healthy eating regimens, my opinion is that one should choose something that you find easier to incorporate into your daily schedule.

Something that won’t take a heavy toll on your finances.

Apart from the numerous benefits that it provides.

I chose Iaso Tea because of the convenience with which I can have it multiple times during the day.
Not only is it easy to prepare even when I am at work (thank god for Iaso teabags).
It also put an end to those mid day coffee runs I would make to the coffee shop to get my regular caffeine fix.


I had no idea I was spending so much on coffee till I realize how much spare money I had left over since I moved on to drinking Iaso Tea.

It’s also rather satisfying to know that what I am putting in my body numerous times a day is extremely beneficial for me.

Unlike caffeine laced drinks like coke or a Starbucks cappuccino.

Click Here to Buy Iaso Tea

The benefits of Iaso Tea

Iaso Tea is a blended herbal tea, which is often referred to as a ‘healing potion’ and after regularly consuming it for a month I can understand why.

For me, it’s like a combination of green tea and a weight loss tea that also maintains the flavor of a tasty herbal tea.

While I often struggled with the strong taste of standard green tea, the pleasant aroma and the rich, delicious flavor of the Iaso Tea was certainly a factor in me being able to consume it on a regular basis.

While I have some Iaso Tea Reviews coming up about the ingredients.
Here is a quick look.

This tea is a blend of natural ingredients like
  • Papaya
  • Ginger
  • Thistle
  • Chamomile
  • Persimmon leaves
  • Marshmallow leaves
  • Myrrh (an Arabic resin that has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries)
  • And malva leaves
That makes up the blend of an Iaso Tea.

It’s the combined properties of these amazing gifts of mother earth that help in cleaning our body of its toxins, especially in the digestive system.

Even a single cup of Iaso Tea drunk daily can bring about noticeable changes, however once you get a taste of its amazing flavor I doubt you will be able to restrict yourself to just one cup.

That’s one reason I started to get excited about writing Iaso Tea Reviews.
I knew this was something special.

Pump up the digestive system

Here’s where things get really exciting.
And why of the big reason why I wanted to start writing Iaso Tea Reviews.

You see…

Enzymes are a crucial part of our digestive system as they help our bodies break down the food we eat while also helping in its effective absorption.

Even the natural foods we eat carry their own native enzymes that assist our bodily enzymes in this process.
Junk and refined foods however rely solely on our bodily enzymes for their digestion.


They often end up destroying these enzymes that are necessary for the smooth running of the digestive system.

This leads to indigestion, gastro intestinal distress and constant constipation.

Besides as we grow older our body’s ability to produce enzymes weakens.

As a result, our digestive tracts become alkaline, making it difficult for our body to easily break down different food groups.

Iaso Tea helps restore these enzymes.

This is precisely why many people swear by its abilities to dramatically improve their body’s digestive abilities.

What’s the verdict then?

In preparation for writing my Iaso Tea Reviews, I had to make sure I gave the tea an opportunity to prove it’s any good.


After 30 days of drinking a couple of cups (at least) of Iaso Tea daily.

I can confidently say that I have already begun to see numerous benefits.

My digestion has improved significantly.

Also, the morning visits to the john are much shorter and smoother than they were before.
I have also noticed that an allergic skin condition that I constantly suffered from has almost entirely disappeared.

My body feels much more energetic and looks stronger.

Even after a big heavy dinner, I don’t feel bloated at all.

Frankly I haven’t felt so good in years.

Click Here to Buy Iaso Tea

And then there is weight loss 

What surprised me most is the weight loss I experienced during this 30 day regime.

I couldn’t wait to start writing my Iaso Tea Reviews when the weight started dropping.

While it was certainly not one of my goals when I started consuming Iaso Tea.

It was a pleasant surprise to realize that I had dropped 5 pounds over the course of two weeks.

I have no doubt that if I had combined it with even the easiest of healthy diets and a simple workout…
I could have lost 5 pounds in 5 days.

Even still…

While writing this first of many Iaso Tea Reviews, I can now boast of a ripped body.
See picture to the right.

Yep, that’s me the writer of these Iaso Tea Reviews. :-)

Iaso Tea Reviews – Verdict: 

Will I continue with this Iaso Tea regime?

Will I write more Iaso Tea Reviews?


Iaso Tea has become a necessary part of my daily routine and has replaced all the other beverages I used to pollute my body with.

I can proudly say that I have been off caffeine and sugary sodas for a month and do not feel the urge to go back either.

If you like green tea then you will love Iaso Tea as well
If you are a caffeine drinker then Iaso Tea will be a life saver for you.

If you are neither and just want a healthy body then…

I suggest that you give it a try at least for a week.

The positive benefits and the long lasting changes that it brings are absolutely worth every dollar you spend on it and more.

So lets come together and raise an Iaso Tea toast to good health!

If you enjoyed this first of many Iaso Tea Reviews, then watchj this cool iaso tea video

I’m pretty sure you will be adding your success story to the many other Iaso Tea Reviews that are popping up online.

Click Here to Buy Iaso Tea

Iaso Tea Reviews: Lose The Fat In 30 Days With Iaso Tea

What comes first?

Your Health or wealth?

Well, some People will say health, while others will prefer wealth. I will say “what is wealth without health?” Just imagine, you are very wealthy but your health betrays you every time. What is the use of such wealth that you cannot enjoy? Again, you are healthy but not wealthy. Still you can work to earn wealth.

Now coming to Indian market, those who have tried many weight loss options and got back the lost weight in no time, and are still looking for some genuine solutions for weight loss (and to permanently stick to it)

IASO Tea Reviews: Introduction

Total Life Changes (TLC), USA,  is a debt-free company run by an experienced group of network marketing veterans. Jack Fallon, CEO, TLC has made it possible for people all over the world to improve their health and make money easily. The company has already made its presence felt in 140 countries, including the US, Canada, Malaysia, India, and Indonesia.

IASO Tea for Weight Loss

IASO tea guarantees “5 POUNDS IN 5 DAYS” weight loss. Indeed, it has worked on many; some people have even lost more than 5 pounds in 5 days.

My comment: It is EXCELLENT for both endomorph weight loss and mesomorph weight loss.

IASO Tea Reviews: Ingredients

Nine (9) herbs have been used to make this detox tea. Let’s find out their characteristics:

    Ginger – relieves gas; blocks acid from heartburn; improves blood circulation; reduces arthritic inflammation; helps with morning sickness; helps manage glucose levels; stimulates appetite; protects against Alzheimer’s disease.

    Holy Thistle – has antibacterial properties; stimulates menstruation; decreases pain due to menstruation; relieves headaches; helps with diarrhoea.

    Blessed Thistle – stimulates secretion of gastric juice and saliva; increases appetite; facilitates digestion; stimulates flow of bile.

    Papaya – lowers cholesterol; boosts immunity; good for diabetics; great for eyes; improves digestion; eases menstrual pain.

    Marshmallow Leaves/Roots – caffeine free and organic; used for pain and inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the respiratory tracts; used for dry cough; used for inflammation of the lining of the stomach; good for stomach ulcers, diarrhoea and constipation; caters to urinary tract inflammation and stones in urinary tract.

    Myrrh – used for sore throat; used for mouth wash; cleanse blood; promotes cardiovascular health; treats mouth inflammation.

    Malva Leaves (Chinese Mallow) – sooth membranes of the digestive system; treat stomach ache; treat gastroenteritis; treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS); help with emphysema; sooth bronchial irritation.

    Chamomile – treats insomnia and other sleep disorders; treats anxiety and panic attacks; caters to muscle twitches, wounds, burns and scrapes; treats skin conditions; relieves in menstrual cramps, stomach flu and ulcers; improves liver function; treats loss of appetite; improves tissue of the liver.

    Persimmon Leaves – strengthen immune system; reduce allergy symptoms; protect blood vessels; helps stop bleeding.

Ayurveda (alternative medicine) speaks highly of these herbs and their abilities to miraculously tackle these health related problems.

IASO Tea Reviews: Benefits

This organic herbal tea blend is delicious and very affordable. IASO tea is neither addictive nor laxative or stimulant; in simple words, it is a great DETOX tea. To top it, IASO tea has a number of benefits—you can easily make it out from the ingredients used—that include:

  •     Excellent liver detox as it cleanses the liver from parasites, bacteria, chemicals and other such dangerous and harmful toxins.
  •     Detoxifies other vital organs in the body and promotes alkalinity.
  •     Brings great relief from acid reflux, bloating, indigestion and constipation.
  •     Helps expel worms from the body; and nicotine from the blood.
  •     Improves metabolism.
  •     Greatly aids in weight loss.

Click here to get started now

Clinically proven safe, IASO tea is even recommended for children over 12 years.


These are unsolicited before and after pictures sent in by iaso tea consumers

Click here to visit the official page now

IASO Tea Reviews: Side Effects

No weight loss product in the world guarantees no side effects. Yes, in some products, the side effects can be many, whereas in other products, the side effects may be less.

IASO tea is no exception, but its side effects are not harmful. These side effects are required to put your trackless body system on a tract, for your own good. I am sure you will agree with me when I say temporary discomforts are always welcome than permanent discomforts. Therefore, why not bear with temporary discomforts to get permanent comfort?

Once you start consuming IASO tea, in the first one or two days, you can feel certain side effects like:

    Frequent urination

    Loose, tar-like stool with foul smell



There is nothing to worry with such side effects. I would call these “good side effects”. To make something, your body must break something. And this “break something” are the side effects. You need to drink lots of water to cater to these side effects.

Each one of you drinking IASO tea will face one or the other side effects. BUT it is all part of the game at the starting stage. The best part is that once you overcome 5 days (and find weight loss of 5 pounds!), you will not want to give it up. Mark my words!

IASO Tea Reviews: How to Make It

It is very simple. Follow the steps and tea is ready!

    Each bag/pouch/packet has two IASO tea sachets.

    Take 1 liter water in a big bowl.

    Once the water boils, put in the 2 sachets, allow it to boil for a minute or two. Then put off the burner.

    Cover the bowl and let the IASO tea bags steep for 8 hours. YES, THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART.

    After 8 hours, store it in bottle and keep it in the fridge. Glass bottle would be better; otherwise good plastic bottle (like Tupperware, etc.) would do. While bottling the tea, you can put the 2 IASO tea sachets inside the bottle. The tea would be more effective.

    Every time you drink, take out 50 ml in a cup and allow it to come to room temperature; pour 150 ml plan water in it and drink it.

    Your daily dosage should be: 50 ml tea + 150 ml water (with breakfast or lunch), 25 ml tea + 75 ml water (with a snack), and 50 ml tea + 150 ml water (with dinner).

If you take IASO tea with breakfast/lunch, snack and dinner, one packet would suffice 8 days. At the initial stages, say for a month, you can have the IASO tea 3 times a day. From the next month, you can take IASO tea with breakfast/lunch and dinner—2 times a day. Then 1 packet will suffice 10 days.

Go Get The Tea NOW

IASO Tea Reviews: My Comments

Though my intention was not weight loss, I could not help myself but to trial out this IASO tea just to check out whether what they promise is true—5 pounds in 5 days!

I was surprised; as a mesomorph, I lost about 4 pounds, and little digestive related problems just vanished! That too, I took it 2 times a day—with lunch and with dinner.

All those 10 days, I could feel certain changes in my metabolism and immune system—all for the betterment.

IASO tea is neither a replacement nor a supplement; it is just tea (like any other teas) but with a twist—it detoxifies and helps in weight loss. Over and above, being purely herbal, it has no caffeine content.

It is simply AWESOME! No bad side effects like vomiting, giddiness, no sleep, laziness, and the likes.

    It is simply AWESOME! No bad side effects like vomiting, giddiness, no sleep, laziness, and the likes.

    It is an excellently effective tea, that aid in more of endomorph weight loss.

    For mesomorph weight loss, you should not worry about losing muscle mass. The tea does not tend to weaken your muscles.

    It takes care of your digestive system on the whole; this, in turn, aids in weight loss.

    It gives good 6 to 8 hours of sleep, and you feel very energetic when you wake up in the morning.

IASO Tea Reviews: Conclusion

Endomorphs and mesomorphs out there—don’t think; act. Go for IASO Tea and you will sure get excellent results.

Remember that miracles do not happen overnight. Be patient, control your food cravings, eat healthy and nutritious food, avoid salt, cold drinks, sodas and sugar, have a good sleep, eat at proper time, avoid alcohol, and exercise daily at least for 20 minutes.

And voila!!! Weight loss result will amaze you.

Buy Iaso Tea Here

Monday, June 22, 2015

Iaso Tea- Detoxify and Cleanse to Lose weight naturally


9 powerful ingredients
100% organic
Full detox/cleanse
No Dieting, no exercise
2 cups a day
See result first 5 days

Do I need a detox/cleanse?

Does the tea really work?

Please check the video below


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Total Life Changes Compensation Plan

Hello friend,

Welcome to this short blog post where I present you with a video play of the TLC compensation plan.

Are you ready to take a leap in your network marketing business?

Are you ready to experience a revolutionary income plan that gives you quick financial breakthrough and sets you up for financial success.

Here is Total Life Changes global vice president, Armand Puyolt as he gives the TLC income plan in an easy to understand fashion.

It's straight to the point.


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Iaso weight loss tea

Hello, I am so glad to give you this brief review of Iaso weight loss tea from total life changes. This slimming tea has been rated so highly by medical practitioners and everyday users.

Here is a helpful video to know more about this tea.

that is a video testimonial of two sisters who lost 5 pounds in 5 days

Here is a video that shows you how to prepare this tea to make it very potent at burning excess fat and cholesterol.

Good luck

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Best selling weight loss tea

I am so glad to share this amazing weight loss tea that has set the weight loss industry ablaze in the past 3 years. Folks are getting results and lives are being changed on a daily basis.

The name?

It is the Isao weight loss tea from the stable of total life changes.

Hey guys, if you have been struggling to make any appreciable progress in your weight loss journey, it's time you take a look at this beverage.

It is truly a miracle.

Here are a couple of before and after pictures

Your search for a safe and effective weight loss solution is over.
This tea is 100% natural and has been certified by the FDA.
Here is a quick video review